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Who are you?
       I'm the creator of Mario, Lysle Shaw-McMinn, aka 'Wormy'. Hi. I'm a undergraduate student at the University of California Riverside, where I am studying Biochemistry and Philosophy. I first started making websites around 4th grade, and web & game development has been a hobby of mine ever since. You can learn more about me at my personal webpage,

Can I have the source code to Mario?
        Yes, I have shown the source code to several people and may show it to you, please contact me via instant messenger (aim, yim, msn, skype, icq). My screenname is always wormywyrm. I have to warn you though, mario is one of my earliest works and it is very very very poorly coded.

Can I help with mario?
        Donators are incredibly kind. All the money I make from the advertisements you see on the left side of this page go right back into advertising my free games and server costs. Because of the unique nature of my games, my webhosting services are fairly expensive. Please send paypal donations to
        Donating money will not get you special items in Mario, nor will it encourage me to work on Mario again as I've moved on to other projects long since.

How do you make multiplayer games?
        The key to making multiplayer games lies mostly in creating single player games. If you can code a dynamic single playered game using Flash's Actionscript then you will find most of your answers in Flash's XMLSocket class. If you are new to coding in flash, keep following tutorials. A great place to start is a google search for 'actionscript tutorial variables 101' and 'actionscript tutorial making movie clips'.
        I am always happy to answer your coding questions. Also I suggest using to find some appropriate IRC channels where you can ask for help, IRC channels are a great place to find assistance. Never ask a question through the internet unless you are trying to make small talk or you have already searched for the answer for at least 20 minutes and experimented with solutions for 10.
        My philosophy in making games is to start out small and try not to focus too much on the distant future. That way I can put all my attention into short term goals, and when those goals are accomplished I feel not only relieved and satisfied with my work, but I have a opportune stopping point if I decide to discontinue that project. I find that planning out game mechanics that would take more than 10 hours of work to implement leaves me bored, discouraged, and restless to start on something else. For this reason, any one who has it in their mind that they 'want to create a mmo' with a budget under 10 thousand dollars needs to seriously downgrade their goals to something they can actually accomplish in the time they will be putting into programming their game (the actual time they will be putting in, not the make-believe 'I could' time). Its important to have the correct mind set going into a project; you need to understand the limitations.

How does multiplayer work without downloading files?
        Brooms Online utilizes an often overlooked aspect of Flash, which is socket server connections. A Socket server connection allows clients to be connected directly to a server, sending packets to the server whenever needed, and more importantly, allowing the server to send packets to the client. If you understand how to set up a webserver and how to code in PHP and Actionscript, then you can learn more about using socketservers here. Theres lots of other resources you can find as well using a search engine.

Where is the server hosted?
        This gameserver as well as this website is hosted with iWF-hosting. I have a contract for a Virtual Private Server (VPS) with this company, hosted in Los Angeles. A VPS is special type of website hosting package that allows for the operation of my game servers. It is significantly more expensive than most webhosting services.

I found a glitch, what should I do?
       Unless the glitch is game breaking I am not interested. I havent worked on Mario since 2006.

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